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Welcome to The Slim Situation!! I'm Steph Lim (Slim) a health enthusiast and adventure seeker, and I cover topics related to Food, Fitness, Travel and living a sustainable and balanced life. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps (Vegan + GF)

Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps (Vegan + GF)

Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green dang quick, easy, and delicious! Made using just a few simple plant-based ingredients, they make for a perfect simple and nourishing lunch. No cooking or baking involved! I personally think they make the ideal light lunch for a warm, sunny day. They’re vegan-friendly and gluten free, which is an added bonus too. You get a little spice and a lotta nutrients in these wraps. 

Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps

Why collard greens and not a normal wrap? Well, for one, they’re incredibly nutritious! They are an amazing source of a plethora of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, B-vitamins, and choline (just to name a few). They’re also packed with fiber, which your digestive tract will thank you for later. But I also find that I prefer to pair chickpeas with something a little lighter, as they can sometimes feel a bit dense and heavy to me if paired with other more carb-heavy foods such as normal wraps or rice. So, in the spirit of warmer days, I opted for the lighter route for this recipe!

Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps

When it comes to preparing the collard greens, there is a liiiittle bit of work that has to go in. The leaves have quite large and thick stems, so you’ll need to chop off the large end, and then carefully shave it down until it's thin enough to bend. 

Healthy Chickpea and Collard Green Wraps

So obviously, the key part of these wraps would be the buffalo chickpea mix. Mashed chickpeas, crunchy celery, and crisp green onions are all mixed together with vegan-friendly buffalo sauce and a little mayo to create the most delicious wrap filling. It’s sooo flavorful and gives just the right amount of heat. 

Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Wraps

Shredded carrots are added to give a little extra crunch and texture, and some avocado is thrown in there for some healthy fats. It all comes together in one super tasty and healthy wrap! Serve it up with some fruit or your favorite side for an easy summer lunch.

Gluten Free Buffalo Chickpea Wraps

If you do give these Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps a try, be sure to comment below and/or tag me on Instagram and let me know how you like them! I really love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by!
Take Care xx

Buffalo Chickpea Collard Green Wraps (Vegan + Gluten Free)

Prep time: 20 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4-6 wraps


  • 1 (15oz) can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

  • 1 stalk of celery, chopped

  • 2 green onions, chopped

  • 1 tbsp vegan mayonnaise

  • ¼ cup vegan-friendly buffalo sauce (I used The New Primal Medium Buffalo)

  • 1 cup shredded carrots

  • 1 avocado, sliced

  • 4-6 large collard green leaves, rinsed


  1. In a large bowl, add the chickpeas and mash them using a fork. Once mashed, add the celery and green onions and mix together.

  2. Next, add in the mayonnaise and buffalo sauce. Mix together until well combined and everything is evenly coated. Set aside.

  3. Cut the large part of the stem off of the collard green leaves. Then, carefully shave the top off the back of the stem so that it is flat and thin enough to be pliable and bend into a wrap.

  4. Divide the carrots, avocado, and chickpea mixture between the leaves. To roll them up, fold in the two horizontal sides, then pull the bottom up over towards the top and over the filling, tucking it in, and then roll up towards the top. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Honey Garlic Chicken Meatballs with Coconut Lime Rice

Honey Garlic Chicken Meatballs with Coconut Lime Rice

One-Pot Creamy Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Pasta (GF)

One-Pot Creamy Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Pasta (GF)