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Welcome to The Slim Situation!! I'm Steph Lim (Slim) a health enthusiast and adventure seeker, and I cover topics related to Food, Fitness, Travel and living a sustainable and balanced life. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Growing up, well, even still now, mint chocolate chip ice cream was always at the top of my favorite flavors list.  I’m not kidding when I say I would house multiple scoops a night, pretty much every night, as a kid. While I’ve learned some moderation in my adult life, there’s definitely still plenty of days where I could go for a nice taste of mint chocolate chip -- anyone else feel me here? 

No shame to whoever still wants to go for those scoops of ice cream (I certainly still do from time to time)! But if you’re looking for a more nutritious alternative, give this Mint Chip Smoothie a try! It’s filled with greens, fruits, protein, and healthy fats, and it keeps me full all morning (or afternoon). I’m not going to claim it’s the same as an ice cream cone, but it’s still pretty damn tasty. 

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Ingredients
Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Blender


  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 

  • ¼ cup plain non-fat greek yogurt 

  • 2 scoops unflavored protein powder (I used Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides) 

  • ¼ avocado 

  • 2-3 large handfuls of baby kale

  • 10 mint leaves 

  • 1 pitted medjool date (2 if you want it sweeter)

  • 1 frozen banana 

  • 2 tsp. Cacao nibs 

  • Handful of ice cubes


  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until they are fully mixed. Depending on the strength of your blender, you may need to blend ingredients incrementally.

  2. Pour in glass and top with extra cacao nibs or any additional toppings you’d like! 

  3. Drink up and enjoy!

Tag me on Instagram and let me know if you give this recipe a try!

xx Slim

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie
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